Head Boy

Head Girl

The headboy and headgirl of Corpus Christi School are typically senior students who are selected to represent the student body in various capacities. They are often seen as role models and leaders among their peers. Their responsibilities may include leading school assemblies, representing the school at events, and assisting in the organization of school activities. The headboy and headgirl candidates are made to contest and the candidates with the highest votes are selected as the headboy and headgirl of Corpus Christi School

We have four houses namely, Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald and Ruby. The house means provides not only of belonging, leadership leam spirit. The house an increased feeling of they also provide a sense identity and sea sease Tradition and abundant 1 opportunities. Apart from the academies, we hane co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. It might involve Counselling, Sustaining, peer support, open door guidance, reconciling, mentoring and promoting and supporting nurturing of pupilb mixed goal-setting, negotiation, reflection and empowerment.

Sapphire House

Motto: The Sky & Our Limit.

Sapphire House draws inspiration from the sky and sea, symbolising open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. It represents wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. Sapphire exudes calmness and responsibility while promoting the pursuit of knowledge and determination. Like a river that continuously flows, collecting beautiful things along the way, Sapphire House fosters growth and learning.

Topaz House

Motto: Try, Try Till We Succeed.

Topaz House draws inspiration from the sun, whose rays reach every corner. The colour yellow represents happiness, optimism, positivity, and intellect. It brings cheerfulness and energy to the world, making learning easier by stimulating the logical part of the brain and encouraging thoughtfulness and curiosity. Like the sun, Topaz House selflessly shares its light, offering service and love to others.

Emerald House

Motto: Work Hard and Prosper.

Emerald House finds inspiration in the evergreen nature. Green symbolises new beginnings, harvest, happiness, harmony, growth, and energy. It relaxes, revitalises, reassures, and enhances cognition. With an energetic and experienced team, Emerald House aims to grow and learn, sharing its wisdom with those around them.

Ruby House

Motto: Fight Fair and Conquer.

Ruby House draws inspiration from flames, symbolising warmth. Red represents good fortune, luck, vitality, celebration, and prosperity. It also signifies passion, love, desire, and commitment. Ruby House radiates warmth, love, joy, and peace to everyone around them.